Wednesday, 4 November 2009


Dante DFC knows all about the journey of fried chicken that started in Asia and then was flipped by American culture. And trust me, fried chicken in Malaysia is incredible. Home town Ayam Goreng. And then there's Korea, a huge fried chicken food & bar culture which has seen a cult-like boom in the last couple of years in NYC. Here's a NY Mag write up. Love food trends. Double fried with a thin, delicate, crispy batter, the pieces are then lightly dipped in a sweet and spicy Korean hot sauce and served with a kimchee coleslaw and sweetened bun. I hit one of the few Manhattan outlets (there's a ton more in Queens) Bon Chon Chicken in Tribeca. They also only cook to order (with signs saying at least a 20 minute wait because of this) with free range chickens in 100% olive oil. A suitable close for TFC Bootleg...

Never too late to start walking it off... Central Park West to The Dakota (where John Lennon lived and died, and where Yoko Oko still resides) and Strawberry Fields and through the Park to the east side.

Food porn time. We needed to shot close ups, ingredients and glamour shots for the upcoming DFC pilot we're working on. Met our director Kalim and Dante at a studio in Greenpoint, Brooklyn for a relaxed few hours of food styling and cooking and scripting... On the menu - DFC Cashew & Apricot Hot Wings with a Parmesan Sour Cream Chill Sauce.

Late night dinner with the ninja Aerosyn-Lex Mestrovic, the creative director of The KDU, Kalim and homegirls Kat and Cat. We went to Sea, a Thai spot in Williamsburg that looked like something out of Bad Boys / Bad Boys 2 (even though it was featured in Garden State) before hitting new bar The Woods and the old favourite Union Pool (with back yard taco truck), where we somehow stayed til 4am... we lost the photobooth photos for proof and lost my mind in Jamesons.

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